Thursday, 12 February 2009

Congress and the White House agree Stimulus

WASHINGTON, THURSDAY-Congress and the White House agree on a draft bill (Bill) economic stimulus worth 790 billion U.S. dollars which is designed to create millions of jobs in the U.S. who are working to recover from the recession. U.S. President Barack Obama will endorse this bill into law within a few days to come.

"More than a third stimulus package will be a respite for family tax middle-class and cutting taxes for 95 percent of American workers," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in a press conference at the Capitol, Washington. Chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, Reid partner in negotiations that lasted more than 24 hours, the opportunity be sure to announce stimulus package that invites debate as a result of fierce budget cutting, including for school infrastructure.

However, more than two hours later after a progress report Reid dicapainya stimulus, speaking interpreter, Brenda Daly, ensure that the agreement reached by Congress and the White House. "We reached agreement stimulus that will create or save more than 3 million jobs that," said Brenda Daly.

Obama called economic stimulus package that aims to lead back to the U.S. economy in stable condition. Legislation has become the core economic recovery program that proclaimed by Obama and include assistance for the victims of economic recession, such as welfare benefits for the unemployed.

Source : Kompas

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