Tuesday, 3 February 2009

China PM Shoes thrown in the UK

Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao dimaki and shoes dilempari by a demonstrator in the UK.

During the incident, Wen talking about the global economy at Cambridge University at the end of the visit in the UK.

Go from the demonstrators kursinya in the back of the auditorium and then shout and whistle as Wen dictator. Next, he threw shoes to the stage.

"How can this university prostitute themselves with the dictator is here, what you hear," the screaming man.

Same as shoe throwing incident by journalists against former Iraqi President U.S. George W Bush in December, demonstrationist shoes in the UK also failed to Wen.

Unlike Bush, Wen standing behind the podium stage does not need to avoid. He stopped only a moment before continuing speech. One pembantunya soon ascend the stage and throw away the shoes.

Security escort the demonstrators out auditorium. He was arrested and taken to the police office for review. Spokesperson for the police, Shelly Spratt said, the man accused of breach of conduct in public.

"University is a place for discussion, debate, and his opinions, not for throwing shoes," said Tim Holt, a university spokesman.

Shoe throwing incident that occurred at the end of a three-day visit that is also colored Wen demo by human rights activists and pro-Tibet. Diperketat security at the university and the police drive away when about 20 demonstrators Wen arrived to speak.

Throwing shoes became famous in the protest action around the world since override Bush. Iraqi journalist Muntazer al-zaidi pelt Bush with a shoe now in Baghdad is still on hold waiting for vonis. He allegedly insult foreign leaders.

Source : Kompas

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